Friday, January 9, 2009

Religion confusion

Religious Confusion

My question is to the human beings across the globe.

Let me first separate few people from my question. The people, whom I don’t want to, put this questioning, such as the heads and leaders of the respective religion beliefs.
For example :
The Hindu Pandits ,
Muslim Molvi,
Christian Pope,
Buddhist Lama’s and other similar heads.

 I don’t want to fall in any controversy. I am true at my heart and want express my belief about the religion.

I respect all religions and don’t even think in the wildest of dreams to disrepute any one’s religion belief. I hope I am taking proper care, not to disrespect any religion. Why I chose this topic. I am sufferer of the war which is going to leave this world no were... We are approaching to hi tech Stone Age.

Now the questions.

Q1. Is there any common Hindu, who ever have seen Bagwan,
       Is there any common Muslim who ever have seen Allah,
       Is there any Christian who ever has seen Jesus,
       Is there any Buddhist who ever has seen Buddha,
       and the many more people for other beliefs.

What I believe, the answer from 90 % people will be “NO”. I haven’t myself seen the lord of my religion, but still offer my prayers everyday and whenever I can remember him. This is a faith, belief and respect. So is true for others (this is my personal feeling).

Q2. What is the ultimate truth of life, weather human being is Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain etc?

What is it? ----------
What is it? ----------
What is it? ----------
What is it? ----------

“DEATH - AS DECIDED BY THE ALMIGHTY “.once, one have played his inning of life allotted to him.

We should be great full to almighty; it has given us an opportunity to live on this earth. We must use this life for welfare of self as well as for others. Respect each other and develop peace.
Billions of dollars go for arms and ammunition which can be used for some better welfare works. There are many people, who die due to lack of food, medicine and etc.

Q3.What happens to human beings after the pious death? Have anybody seen it?

I believe 99% people of common masses will say “We don’t know”.

Some of us still believe in reincarnation and some don’t.
Who believe in reincarnation will say “soul is taken out of the body and it reaches to almighty, and almighty decides about this soul’s treatment on the basis of his Karma, when it was a human being on earth.

Some people oppose this belief and life goes on.

But all of us know who ever takes birth on this earth has to die one day. This is ultimate truth. Some do cremation, some do burial, etc.

Q4. What we must learn from this is, weather Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain etc, all get mixed with this earth? Where does a question of separating this world on the basis of religion arise?

We must think these basic things and surely, we will develop peace in this world.

Q5. Why we question, even think Bagwan, Allah, Jesus, and Buddha, etc are separate?
Why don’t we think it is one and we have different ways of belief?

My Reason to say god is one is as below:

All take birth from the mother womb. This pious womb of mother, never gives the birth to Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, etc.
It is we, the parents and the society who decides the religion of new born. Ask this question (which religion you belong?) to children, can they answer or understand it.

I have an example here to support it.

Suppose one Hindu mother gave birth to male child in hospital, at the same time one Muslim mother also gave birth to a male child in same hospital on same day.

Both children have got mixed up in child ward and finally got exchanged.

Now tell me, how will any retain their original religion.( Muslim child in Hindu will be Hindu and Hindu child in Muslim family will Muslim) .

All of us having different belief. All of us got birth through same methodology and will die in similar manner by natural death as Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jain, etc.

We ignore these basic facts of life and come on streets to kill each other. My dear brothers and sisters think what I am trying to say here. It is true for me, as well as, for you. I also lose my mind sometimes, but I immediately start thinking in this manner and live peace fully.

Q6 Why do we create the division among ourselves, and kill our own brothers and sisters.
Why don’t we understand all this as explained above?

The people who encourage the split, hatred, terror are not our leaders of religion. Understand they are the people, who are hungry for power, forced power on the basis of cast, creed, and religion. The people, who are involved in this act, have nothing to do with humanity, or religion. They do it for Money and power.

Pl think with closed eyes, what I have written, what I have said. You will get new light of life. You will start loving mankind. You will start missing your own near and dear.


Life is good. Live it fully, Live with peace and love. Dedicate yourself to society.
This is my thinking and wanted to share. If I have hurt sentiments of any body, Pl forgive me.
I have no intension of hurting anybody belief; I respect all religions and their sentiments as well.

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