Friday, December 5, 2008

Womb - Bomb - Tomb.

Womb --------- Bomb ----------------- Tomb
Do you know what the truth of life was till now, if yes great , if not the answer is below
Womb --- grow ----enjoy-----serve----retire -------tomb.
Since the terrorism is moving fast, “grow ----enjoy-----serve----retire “ has been replaced by Bomb. Every now and then we hear blast in this city or that city.
It is easy to shape a child when is just born and can put on the right track. What is happening could have been shaped up when it started in Kashmir way back in 1989. That time it was a Problem of Kashmiri Pundits only and not of Indians.
Here I remember one story and want share, do read it.

One day a little mouse living on a farm spied the farmer and his wife by opening a package. He was aghast to discover that the package contained not food, but the mouse trap. The mouse ran to farmyard warning every one.“hey, there is a mouse trap in the house”

The chicken raised his head and exclaimed “Mr. Mouse. I can tell you this is a grave concern for you, but it has no effect on me and cannot be bothered with it”
The mouse turned to Pig…” I am so sorry Mr. Mouse, but the trap is of no concern to me as well .Same was the response of the Bull.
Mouse returned to home dejected that no one would help him or concerned about his dilemma. He knew he had to face the trap on his own.
That night the sound of trap catching it’s pray was heard throughout the house. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness she could not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The wife caught the fever and the farmer knew the best way to treat a fever was with chicken soup. He took his hatchet to the farm yard to get the soup’s main ingredient.
The wife got sicker and friends visited her round the clock. The farmer had to feed them so he butchered the pig.
Farmer’s wife got worse and died. So many friends and family came to her funeral that the farmer had to slaughter the bull to feed them all
So my dear fellow Indians, it was not the problem of Kashmiri Pundits only, but was the problem of the nation. Had we Indians raised the voice, this won’t have happened what is happening now in India. So be united you never know which way you get slaughter like chicken, pig and the bull.

Now let come back to main topic of Mumbai 26 / 11.
Do you know these things are small things for big cities like Mumbai, why Mumbaikar are so furious, Statement given by State Home Minister R.R.Patil What he fated for Mumbai.
It is not he to blame, it is we the Indian citizen to blame who selected such an insane.
Now again we citizens of India are to be blamed that we vote in such a manner , there is always a hung Government at the center.
Three major disadvantages
1 The political party (who so ever) can not exercise it power freely
2 The major political party among the hung govt. tries to blame its partners for not coming to consensus with and thus can not do any thing.
3 The independent candidate who usually are the rebels of the political party because their personal interest are not fulfilled. Then they enrich here demand by supporting to hung government. In return gets ministerial ship or some other benefits at the cost of our life.
Tell who is loser, it me and not the political party. So my dear fellow Indians I request you try to give Mandate to one party than making it hung
Here I salute the American government selection system. Any way it will take decades to develop such a system. Save India from W B T (the subject)

Now look at the Ex Home minister Mr Shivraj Patil. He is a great supporter of Bangladeshi’s. He blasted the Mrs VasundraRaje Govt for taking action against the Bangladeshi’s. Unless and until these politicians are not held responsible and bared or put behind the bars including to the concern officer of the system these things will never improve. Once you are worried about your fate in case some thing goes wrong, you won’t take enough precautions to rectify as well as to prevent.
I also salute Israel government for the action taken against one of the officer who was responsible for the safety of Israel’s abroad.
Here the problem was in my home and I was yelling not to resign and had to resign to save party vote bank. Dirty people with dirty mind set. When a chicken or pig or Bull is next to kin of these politician do you think still they will change their mind set. I can’t decide, Pl. decide and put you comment at the end of blog.

I heard the Muslims of Mumbai have refused the grave land for the terrorists involved in 26th Nov. This is a really a good move by the brethren.
But my dear please look at the politicians also who are using you as a vote bank. It is not wrong to say that it helps your community to some extent but Pl see as a whole, what you get as a country men. I am not telling you people alone other community members are also responsible for such acts. Any way the lesson you are trying to teach these insane terrorist by not giving burial land is really a great step towards awaking these mislead beasts.
To some extent it will give a signal to forth coming attackers that Muslims in India are not showing favor, why? May be the people who train us against the Indian by showing the cassettes etc could be wrong. Muslims in India are happy with Hindu, Christian and others.
The Prime Minister of India being a Sikh the son of community created by Guru Nanak Ji’s, acts otherwise. Doesn’t show any sign of Sikh. They are warrior’s and best known to save the community and the country. Being such a educated Prime Minister is colossus in it self. But he behaves otherwise. Shed this power of working under remote and open up with the wits of “Sardar” and show to world what Indians are. I respect you as Manmohan singh and not as puppet of congress. Even if you work for congress and show your own wits still ok, but alas!

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