Saturday, August 28, 2010

Continuation to Religion Confusion ----1

All religions preaching principle is same, only explanation and way to approach is different.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet………… Shakespeare's
Religion teaches the culture that is relatively free of discrimination on the basis of gender, race, gender, national origin, physical disability, age, body shape, etc. All Religion makes bond among humanity for good time and bad time.

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." - Albert Einstein
It is extremely difficult to define religion, as it is a composite of the narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices that shape the lives and lifestyles of individuals belonging to that religion. Generally, every religion is based on the concept of an ultimate truth, a supreme power, which is believed to guide the course of one's life. Religion is expressed through rituals, traditions and cultural values and also through convictions that serve as the guiding principles of one's life. A religion influences the patterns of thinking and behavior of its practitioners.

Religion has played an important role in world history. It has always served as a source of inspiration for the creation of the different cultures found around the world. Religions have been in existence since the prehistoric times. Let us look at the five major religions of the world.
I believe all religions promote the concept of peace and tolerance. For better explanation I can explain about my religion belief,” Hinduism”. I don’t want to hurt any ones sentiments. It just a way of my thinking and wanted to share.
5 PRINCIPLES of Hinduism
1. God Exists: 2. All human beings are divine,3. Unity of existence through love
4. Religious harmony, 5. Knowledge of 3 Gs: Ganga (sacred river), Gita (sacred script),
Gayatri (sacred mantra).
Practicing these principle will encourage tolerance and peace.
Unless and until some one know about the subject , the awareness is not possible.
it is important to spread the awareness among the masses.
In Hinduism, there is not just one purpose of human life, but four: Dharma - fulfilling one's purpose; Artha - prosperity; Kama - desire, sexuality, enjoyment; and Moksha - enlightenment.
When a human being will understand the meaning of above said purposes of life, the seed of world peace is sowed.
What is universal religious tolerance?
"Religious tolerance is not religious indifference. It consists of valuing the right of another person to hold beliefs that you know absolutely, and without a doubt, to be wrong."
Religious tolerance means to refrain from discriminating against others who follow a different religious path. In nutshell:
Religious toleration : The condition of permitting people to worship according to the practices of any religion they choose.

Religion Pluralism.
If there is a faith of religion pluralism which defines it as accepting all religious faiths as being equally true. This is one meaning of the phrase "religious pluralism."

Human history has a great many examples of religious violence and prejudice. The record includes the Christian persecution of the Jews, the Muslim conquest of Christians, wars between Protestants and Catholics, and violence between Hindus and Muslims. History has plenty of sin and guilt to go around. A lot of very different people from very different religions have used for doing evil things. That kind of wickedness in a pious disguise rightly drives people away from religion—but it doesn't debunk God. And it doesn't disprove religion. It reveals the hatred and weakness in each of us, and it reveals our unwillingness to love. But understanding our human sinfulness should drive us to live our faith more deeply and truly—not to abandon our faith.

The world can be a very difficult place for people who truly seek the face of God. A country like North Korea has nearly wiped religious believers out of the population. It's a gangster state without even a pretense of freedom and the rule of law. In Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Bangladesh, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, the Christians,Hindu and many other faiths have faced discrimination and persecution for centuries, and it hasn't stopped. It's happening right now, today, while I'm speaking.

Hence, in brief, all major religions of the world today have the three principal similarities, which reveal 1 Fundamental unity on the one hand and pave the way for human-unity,
2 Common development and
3 Universal welfare on the other.
These similarities are in fact their common message to the people in which remains embedded all-round development of each and everyone at all times.
To quote a Shloka from the Atharvaveda, in which God Himself urges:
"Oh human beings! I create you in the same category; I accord you single mindedness and make you completely free of envy and malice. Oh people! Have such dedicated attraction towards one another as the cow has towards her newly born calf." [Sahridaya Sanmanasyamavidvesha Krinomi Vah, Anyom Anyamabhi Haryata Vatsam Jatmivaghnya].

So to accept and build tolerance ,pluralism of religion , one must be disciplined.
Being a Hindu, I can tell about Hinduism. No way am I disrespecting any other faith.

In Hinduism following 10 DISCIPLINES steps teach how to enrich tolerance in your daily life. There may be more steps, but I want to mention these only as I feel comfortable with them while practicing my daily routine.
1 Satya (Truth),
2. Ahimsa (Non-violence),
3. Brahmacharya (Celibacy, non-adultery)
4. Asteya (No desire to possess or steal),
5. Aparighara (Non-corrupt),
6. Shaucha (Cleanliness)
7. Santosh (Contentment),
8. Swadhyaya (Reading of scriptures),
9. Tapas (Austerity, perseverance, penance),
10. Ishwarpranidhan (Regular prayers)
There also exist notable similarities in Christian and Hindu theology, most notably in that both religions present a Trinitarian view of God. The Holy Trinity of Christianity, consisting of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is sometimes seen as roughly analogous to the Trimurti of Hinduism, whose members -- Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva -- are seen as the three principal manifestations of Brahman, or Godhead.
In Hinduism , Jainism and Sikhism, the concept of moksha is akin to that of Buddhism's nirvana, as well as Christianity's doctrine of salvation.
JUDAISM - says that every human should speak directly to God
CHRISTIANITY - Jesus claims in the 'new testament' that the 'only way' to God is via him.
JUDAISM - says that no man gets a 'second coming'
CHRISTIANITY - says that Jesus will have a 'second coming'
Hindu – says rebirth “punarjanam”
He who wishes to enter Paradise at the best door must please his mother and father.
This is the sum of duty , don’t do to others what would cause pain if done to yourself.