Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I am an INDIAN ( Must Read Complete)

The Jaipur Blast.

We the people of India are not so in competent to tackle the terror.
But our political system is a mess and total failure. Our leader’s shows patriotism, but it is a show case only. Weather it is congress, BJP, or any other political party. Self interest comes first, and then party is interest comes second and last comes the country.
Alas had it been the reverse, we would have overpowered the world much before.
We get our cream officers retired at the age of 58 to 60. Why, due to reasons as given.
1 As the man becomes older he loses his ability to serve, etc
2 It generates job for the new comers.
3 May be some other unknown to me
My question is why this doesn’t apply to these old aged political peoples.
Do they remain ever energetic, wise? I respect their experience. They should bring new generation, younger generation forefront and shower experience on them.
That will help build new India young India, energetic India. The politicians like Mr. Karunanidhi, Mr. Vajpayee; Sardar Harcharansingh Surjit, Mr.Arjun singh,Mr. Joyti Basu, Sena chief Bal Thackeray (he is pure remote control) etc, are all old. They can not handle themselves what can they handle the nation by coming to power. Here also we want new energetic people to work for the country.

Now let me come to basic issue I wanted to touch here. The terror strikes. How is it possible that we can not find the lead? I am sure our country intelligence is elite.
Then what makes them to fail. The Political pressure from center and state government separately. These types of acts can not be processed without the help of locals and anti national parties (political as well as non political).

What I feel is that we must have a change in system, at least in the administrative field.
The security system of state depends upon the police network of the state. There is no interstate co-ordination between the bordering states. This coordination’s fail due to ego’s and breaks(respite) between the bordering states having different political parties ruling. These politicians feel sharing some information with bordering state as sharing any information with a enemy country bordering our country.
We strongly require interstate intelligence sharing. This type of coordination between states is not taking place; they think it is their problem. Who’s problem, my dear it is India and not j&k, Rajasthan, MP, Hyderabad, etc. separately or sharing information with Pakistan or Bangladesh, China, etc.
A common agenda for all states security system is required. This requires a common head like ARMY, CRPF, and BSF. We require sate police wing. This police wing is nothing but the same functioning same people same police stations, same SHO, etc of the states but under one common country head.
Then why change. Reason is simple, as explained above, the common country head with less interference on day today activity of political system. The state government should not have any interference with the police force. The top IPS officer of the state will serve as the head of police wing and replace the part of state home ministry job of policing the state. These state head of police will report to common country head like chief of country police (chief of army staff).
This will help to plug the loop hole in police system; will streamline the police force, information in flow. This will also curb political goonda’s.
I know this is difficult but not impossible. It we the people of India who can bring the change and can ask for the change
See the comments of congress home minister Mr Shivraj Patil. He and his many party workers oppose to the Rajasthan Govt’s initiative to move out the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. I am not giving the credit to Rajasthan C.M. for doing this. It is true why the government haven’t taken such steps ( but C.M Vasundhara Raje claims of expressing this so many occasions to center , center deny, god know who tells truth). But it is really good step any state should have taken in the interest of the country. But here also country priority comes last but the vote bank comes first. Congress doesn’t want take ire of the minority. What will happen to this country when our leaders play cards of minority, cast issue?

Reservation issue is like that as well, I don’t say there shouldn’t be reservation, yes there should be but for those who are really below poverty level. and not the people who are in minority, cast based and etc. These are the people who really want this and deserve this.
Don't you feel the situation in Rajasthan is creation of Mr Arjun singh. It is hearting to see the small childrens of the Gujjars who died and their families are not aware.

If these leaders of congress say they don’t do any favor to any vote bank. If it is so what has the government of India (weather it was BJP coalition and Congress Coalition).done for the Kashmiri Pandits. They are struggling in camps and have been scattered over the country to make their livings. Is was good in their community that they were 90% literate. this helped them to stand again. but they haven’t got the justice. We say justice delayed is justice denied. They are scattered and doesn’t count in vote bank , so they are not to be considered. But the Godra incidence they remember and give them 300cr rupees as a relief. But those Kashmiri Pandit people who have been displaced of homeland and mass massacre done but no funds for them.
